Monday, October 02, 2006

formulating our theme - question of our research

Two weeks now, I try to get lost as much more as I can to books, articles and other sources(magazines,internet) in relation with the Life and Work of Italian Masters Designers.

Before 2 weeks I talked for my theme in the class and all together tried to formulate the question on my choosen field. The results were pretty interesting and helpful.
The first question which poped up had this form: How the Italian Master Designers (like Sottsass, Mari, Castiglionni) can jump from architure to design and the opposite?
Searching for answers and by trying to understand what was the core question I reformulated the question to this: Which method or skill the Italian Master Designers use to jump all over the Design disciplines?

I'm sure that the next weeks maybe this question will be reformed by itself and the research process.

Farewell to two Masters

At the end of September the world of Design said farewell to two Masters Designers. Vico Magistretti (6/10/1920 - 19/9/2006) and Alan Fletcher (1931-21/9/2006).

The sad news actually influnce me a lot. And specially for Alan Fletcher. His last exhibition alive was held by the Thessaloniki Design Museum in May 2006, where I generously contibuted on research and administration of the exhibition catalogue.
Both of them they will leave behind a big cap in the design thought. Through their work and life proved that Design is nothing more than an extreme curiosity for the world. A way of thinking that nowadays is almost forgotten and replaced it by words and meanings like market and management.

To connect the death with my research, seems that both of them belonged to this charismatic generation of the generalist Designers as Sottsass, Mari and Castiglioni(same generation with Castiglioni).

I hope that this research will finish without any other sad news from the Masters.